Many victims of hate crime are put off officially reporting online hate speech as they feel the police will not take them seriously, or that prosecution is unlikely. However, it is more important than ever to report online hate crime, as this is an important means to ensuring this crime is made a police priority.
What to Do If You Are a Victim?
Legislation is advancing slowly but surely, and more and more measures are being implemented to prevent online hate speech, prosecute the perpetrator and protect the victim.
You can also report a hateful message to the platform on which you received it. Find out how to do so on Facebook and Youtube below:
Our partners Victim Support in Portugal (APAV), and UNIA (Belgium) explain what you should do when faced with online hate speech:
When reading a hateful message online, it’s sometimes easier to keep scrolling and try to ignore it, rather than report the content, take a screenshot for evidence, and then block the user. However, it is normal to feel affected by this hateful message. The effect hate speech can have on its victims is immeasurable; messages may invade your privacy, be present 24 hours a day, and become impossible to ignore, affecting every moment of your life. Nevertheless,
Like each hateful message can be different, so can a person’s reaction to receiving it. If you’re feeling affected by hateful messages online, reach out for support. Close friends, family members and victim support professionals can help you through this difficult moment. Please, don’t deal with it alone.
Your local victim support service houses trained professional, equipped with the knowledge of national hate speech legislation, and the tools to support you as you recover from your experience. See Weisser Ring’s video to learn about the importance of the role of support: